Stainless steel supply bin for big coils of Toilet paper, polished.
Stainless steel supply bin for big coils of Toilet paper, polished.
Stainless steel holder of toilet paper, Polished.
Stainless steel holder of toilet paper, Brushed.
Stainless steel recessed holder of toilet Paper, brushed.
Bags, brushed.
Stainless steel supply bin for a toilet paper, Brushed.
Stainless steel toilet paper holder, vertical, For one coil, brushed.
Stainless steel toilet paper holder, vertical, For two coils, brushed.
Stainless steel toilet paper holder, brushed.
Stainless steel supply bin for sanitary Bags, brushed.
Stainless steel supply bin for paper toilet Cover seats, brushed.
Stainless steel recessed supply bin for Paper toilet cover seats, brushed.
Stainless steel supply bin for a folder Paper towels, polished.
Stainless steel bin with a plastic insert, Volume 3 l, polished.
Stainless steel bin with a plastic insert, Volume 3 l, brushed.
Stainless steel bin with a plastic insert, Volume 5 l, polished.
Stainless steel bin with a plastic insert, Volume 20 l, polished.
Stainless steel bin with a plastic insert, Volume 12 l, polished.
Stainless steel bin with a plastic insert, Volume 12 l, brushed.
Stainless steel supply bin for paper towels, Brushed.
Stainless steel wall mounted supply bin for Paper towels with a bin, brushed.
Stainless steel recessed supply bin for Paper towels with a bin, brushed.
Stainless steel bin, volume 12 l, brushed.
SStainless steel bin, volume 26,5 l, polished.
Stainless steel bin, volume 26,5 l, brushed.
Stainless steel bin for sanitary, volume 4,5 l, brushed.
Wire waste bin, white, wall mounted, 85x290x190 mm.
Wire waste bin, white, 540x340x260 mm.
Wire waste bin, stainless steel, Wall mounted, 385x290x190 mm.
Wire waste bin, stainless steel, 40x340x260 mm.
Recessed waste bin to the wall, brushed.
Double stainless steel liquid soap Dispenser, volume 1 l, polished.
Stainless steel liquid soap dispenser, volume 1,25 l, polished.
Stainless steel liquid soap dispenser, Volume 0,85 l, polished.
Stainless steel liquid soap dispenser, Volume 0,5 l, polished.
Chromed recessed liquid soap dispenser, Volume 1 l, polished.
Wall mounted stainless steel liquid soap Dispenser, volume 0,2 l, polished.
Recessed stainless steel liquid soap Dispenser, volume 1,2 l, brushed.
Automatic wall-mounted liquid soap Dispenser, volume 1 l, brushed.
Stainless steel soap tray, polished.
Recessed soap dispenser to the wall, Volume 1 l, brushed.
Automatic wall-mounted liquid soap and Disinfection dispenser, inner plastic pot, Volume 0,85 l, brushed.
Automatic wall-mounted foam soap Dispenser, volume 0,85 l, brushed.
Wall-mounted liquid soap and disinfection Dispenser, inner plastic pot, volume 1 l, Brushed.
Supply bin for big coils of toilet paper, White plastic ABS.
Supply bin for coils of paper towels, White plastic ABS.
Supply bin for paper towels, White plastic ABS.
Foam soap dispenser, volume 1 l, White plastic ABS.
Soap and gel disinfection dispenser, Volume 1 l, white plastic ABS.
Disinfection dispenser with spray spatter, Volume 1 l, white plastic ABS.
Automatic liquid soap and disinfection Dispenser, volume 1 l, white plastic ABS.
Stainless steel toilet brush, polished.
Stainless steel toilet brush, brushed.
Toilet brush with wall-mounted stainless Steel holder, brushed.
Stainless steel mirror (500 x 400 mm). - Different dimensions could be made to order.
Stainless steel mirror (600 x 400 mm). - Different dimensions could be made to order.
Stainless steel hook, vandal-proof, brushed.
Stainless steel hook, 45 mm, brushed.
Stainless steel hook, 100 mm, brushed.
Simple stainless steel tower rail, brushed.
Double stainless steel tower rail, brushed.
Stainless steel folding mirror for disabled People, wall controlled, (400 x 600 mm).
Stainless steel mirror 900 x 400 mm.
Double hook, polished.
Stainless steel hook, polished.
Stainless steel hook, polished.
Mop holder.
Vandal-proof stainless steel hook with “Anti-suicidal” system, brushed.